Hi Berni, I love your messages and share them often with others (especially my unsaved son-in-law ). I would love you to type the last bit of your talk onto the text as well as talking it after the written text has finished as he only reads your message and doesn’t listen to the video. I feel he misses a very important part of your message. Thank you for your work. Blessings Jeanette
Jeanette Dobson
Hi Berni,
I recieve your Fresh daily devotional each day. I enjoy your simple, practical way of getting God’s message across. I have to say, myself and no doubt many others struggle with the Bible when it uses words like doth, thee and others like it. I’m sure you know what I mean. We should never be ashamed of preaching the Gospel. However, if you can’t get your message across to people because they won’t listen, then it can be quite discouraging. As I said earlier, you have a good way and style when spreading the good news. I live in Scotland, near Glasgow. I was brought up a Catholic like yourself. I became a Christian three years ago. I started to attend a Baptist church, which I enjoyed. I meet many people who ask or question, not in a bad way, why I still attend Mass. I heard a saying that bad Catholics (people who don’t know the Faith and are Catholics in name only) become Protestants and good Protestants become Catholics. I:e Scott Hahn, Marcus Heidi etc. I struggle to understand why guys like Scott Hahn who by his own admission, were anti Catholic and steeped in the Bible, (sola scripture) would then become a Catholic. It’s a real issue for me at present. Feel like I’m stuck in no man’s land going between my Catholic Christian friends and my Protestant Christian friends lol. Anyway, keep up the good work. As I said, I enjoy how God’s message through you, has a story in it and is easy to understand. Take care and God bless. Jim
Jim Ellis
You nailed it for me today! I have been unemployed for about a month and still am, however, it’s always God’s timing! Of course I want now, but He will be ready when it is the right time for Him. Thank you for this reading!
Alexander Gadallah
visit the postI am so encouraged each day when I read the daily devotional word of God from you, it comes truly as fresh as one can possibly imagine each time to me.
I truly helps me with the desire to get closer to God more than ever, and most significantly, God defends me every day with His amazing love.
Thank you, May God richly bless you for what you do to so many people.